Viralukketha veekkam movie
Viralukketha veekkam movie

viralukketha veekkam movie viralukketha veekkam movie

Considering that an equipment-Crit build is just an AGI build wielding the correct weapon, I’ll try and devise a natural-Crit build here. of 3 - PRO GUNSLINGER BUILD - posted in Gunslinger: Stats:STR: 255AGI: 1DEX: 1VIT: 255INT: 1LUK: 30Equips:Head (U): Mini PropellerHead (M): Geek GlassesHead (L): Grandpa Beard OR Crunch ToastWeapon: +3 Dexterous Hallowed Six Shooter - Card: Drops - Card: Santa PoringArmor: Lucky Elite Shooter Suit - Card: PoringGarment: +4 Scorching Hood - Card: … Well chewed pencil is an item that greatly improves your hit, and is much better than most hat-mouth items, use it as well. Eagle Eye – Reduces time to aim down sights with rifle and submachine guns Bullseye – Increases rifle damage while aiming by 10% Slap those two together and you’ll be dealing heavy damage as a deadeye. Mutant Heart Hunter Bellare Card - If upgrade level is +10 or higher, increases damage by 10%. On top of that, you can amplify your power with this Perk: Never play critical rebellion, except at a specific time when MVP uses Agi up (fox hat is welcome at times like this to ensure 100% critical).

Viralukketha veekkam movie